Komen Abu Aqif: Nasihat Syaikh supaya bantu ahli sunnah di Dammaj yang diserang oleh syiah. Jika ingin menyalurkan bantuan sila hubungi Ustaz Abu Usamah Khoidir di talian 018-9414355.

Update: The statement of Shaykh Muhammad below is from Dhul-Hijjah 1432H (and not recent). Some of the Hajaawirah have taken opportunity to use what was a genuine error to make an issue. In any case, the advice is as relevant then as it is now.
Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadee said during his lesson on the book (مفيد الأنام ونور الظلام) organized by al-Mirath, the following, when asked about the situation in Dammaaj and in particular the siege laid down by the Hoothee Raafidah:
وعلى إخواننا أهل السنة: نصرتهم في دماج، فنحن نقول هذا ديانةً وإن رددنا على يحيى الحجوري، أو رددنا على فلان، فالرد وبيان الحق باب، ونصرة السنة وأهلها باب آخر، فيجب على أهل السنة القريبين من دماج الأقرب فالأقرب أن ينصروا إخوانهم وأن يقوموا معهم صفا واحدا، وأن يعينوهم في وجه هؤلاء الظالمين المعتدين، وأن يحاربوا معهم، يجب الجهاد معهم في مقابلة هؤلاء الأقرب فالأقرب. فلا يظن ظان أننا لو رددنا على يحيى الحجوري في دماج أننا سنضحي بالسنة -معاذ الله-، أهل السنة هم إخواننا ولحمتنا وسدانا في كل مكان وفي أي زمان، نغضب لهم، ونفرح لفرحهم، ونتألم لألمهم. فيجب على أهل السنة عموماً أن ينصروهم، وأن يقفوا معهم في وجه هؤلاء الحوثيين الذين بغوا وظنوا أنهم سيزدردون أهل السنة، فعلى إخواننا أهل السنة في اليمن عموماً أن يعينوا إخوتهم في دماج، وعليهم إن استطاعوا أن يطبقوا على هؤلاء الروافض من الخلف، فيكونون دائرة أخرى حولهم إذا كانوا محاصرين لدماج، فيحاصرونهم ويقطعون الإمداد عليهم، هذا الذي نوصي به إخواننا أهل السنة في اليمن بنصرة إخوانهم بدماج بكل ما يستطيعونه، والله أعلم
Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee: It is upon our brothers from Ahl al-Sunnah to aid them in Dammaaj, and we say this as a religious conviction, even if we refute Yahya al-Hajuri, or we refute so and so. For refutation and clarification of the truth is one field and aiding the Sunnah and its people is an other field. It is obligatory upon those near to Dammaaj, those closest, then those closest to aid their brothers. And that that they should stand with them in a single rank, that they aid them against those wrongdoing transgressors, and that they wage war against them alongside them. It is obligatory for them to make jihad alongside them in facing them (Hoothees), the closest (in proximity), then the closest (in proximity). So let no person think that if we refute Yahya al-Hajuri in Dammaaj that we shall be sacrificing the Sunnah (as a result) - refuge is from Allaah - Ahl al-Sunnah are our brothers and they are our flesh, in every place and in every time, we become angry for them and we rejoice when they rejoice and we are harmed due to the harms (brought upon them). So it is obligatory upon Ahl al-Sunnah in general to aid them, and to stand alongside them in the face of those Hoothees who transgressed and who thought that they will swallow up Ahl al-Sunnah. Hence, it is upon our brothers, Ahl al-Sunnah in Yemen generarlly, that they aid their brothers in Dammaj. And if they have the ability they should take those Raafidah from behind, forming an encirclement around them, if they are holding Dammaaj in siege, so they should (in turn) surround them and cut off supplies to them. This is what we advise our brothers, Ahl al-Sunnah in Yemen to aid their brothers in Dammaaj with everything they are capable of, annd Allaah knows best.
Sumber: AlHajuri.Com
Futher reading: Female Students of Dammaj voice their reality :“ I don’t know if we’re going to make it”
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