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Tahukah anda, jenama Nike diambil sempena nama Tuhan Greek 'Nike - The God of Victory'.
In Greek mythology, Nike (Greek: Νίκη, "Victory", pronounced [nǐːkɛː]) was a goddess who personified victory, also known as the Winged Goddess of Victory. The Roman equivalent was Victoria. Depending upon the time of various myths, she was described as the daughter of the Titan Pallas and the goddess Styx, and the sister of Kratos (Strength), Bia (Force), and Zelus (Zeal).
Nike and her siblings were close companions of Zeus, the dominant deity of the Greek pantheon. According to classical (later) myth, Styx brought them to Zeus when the god was assembling allies for the Titan War against the older deities. Nike assumed the role of the divine charioteer, a role in which she often is portrayed in Classical Greek art. Nike flew around battlefields rewarding the victors with glory and fame, symbolized by a wreath of Laurel leaves.
Stone carving of the goddess Nike at the ruins of the ancient Greek city of Ephesus
Nike is seen with wings in most statues and paintings. Most other winged deities in the Greek pantheon had shed their wings by Classical times. Nike is the goddess of strength, speed, and victory. Nike was a very close acquaintance of Athena, and is thought to have stood in Athena's outstretched hand in the statue of Athena located in the Parthenon. Nike is one of the most commonly portrayed figures on Greek coins.
Names stemming from Nike include among others: Nikolaos, Nicholas, Nicola, Nick, Nicolai, Nikolai, Nicolae, Nils, Klaas, Nicole, Ike, Niki, Nikita, Nika, Niketas, Nikki, Nico, and Veronica.
Ianya jelas haram. Memakai lambang kesyirikan walaupun tiada niat sama seperti anda memakai lambang salib, yin yang, berhala, dan seumpama dengannya. Mungkin ada yang akan meremehkan dengan alasan walaupun ini tuhan Greek tapi ianya mitos atau pupus namun kami mohon anda membaca dulu fatwa ulama berkenaan isu ini. Baca di sini dan di sini.
Dan kepada yang ada niat untuk membeli tapi masih belum sempat memilikinya, MasyaAllah, bersyukurlah kerana mungkin Allah tidak berkehendak anda melakukan dosa ini.
1. Nike, Inc.
2. Nike (mythology)
3. Fatwa Nike 1
4. Fatwa Nike 2

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